Create merch value and design products for you artist brand

Create merch value and products from your artist brand with Filip Dobrow - Record Label owner

Design and produce merch and packaging for your album releases, tours and online product.

Find collaborators and designers from the Baltic Artists network

GOAL: 2000 Euro

Online meetings

12 spots

3 videos produced with a step by step “How to start and create an international music career + inspirational interview with Filip on how tow expand your collaborations professional label owner and merch specialist.


Filip Dobrow is an Ukrainian Record label owner and merch/branding specialist. He has a deep knowledge on how to create design for your album releases and tours, including finding artists/designers to collaborate with, production process, cost and adding value to your artist career.

Robustfellow Prods. is an independent label based in Kyiv, UA.

LINKS: Robust Fellow productions

Robust Fellows blog


Home to GREENMACHiNE [JP], Ethereal Riffian [UA], Shiva the Destructor [UA], BOMG [UA], Soom [UA], Celophys [UA], Eternal Elysium [JP] & more!
We're into creating diehard, hand-crafted limited edition items.



Back this project because you want to: 5 EUro

Online spot: 100 euro - 12 spots

3 Videos + templates + additional resources + inspirational interview with Filip: 30 Euros